I’m Sasha Conley. A Graphic Designer, Artist and sometimes people still let me on stage. The Abstract By Sasha is how I can put more fun and beauty into the world.

I have a degree in graphic design from Savannah College of Art and Design, a career change inspired by the pandemic. After all theater got canceled for a year, I started to lean into my art. I realized that theater and design have a lot in common, both aim to tell a compelling story in their own distinct way. I am excited to explore the possibilities of both.

Originally from Seattle, WA, I moved to NYC to pursue my acting dreams and I was lucky enough to perform on stages across the United States. When the world shut down, I moved back to Seattle and loved getting to refocus on the outdoors and art. I went back to school and now I spend my time designing brands for creative minded folks when I’m not kicking my legs on stage.

Hey! Nice To Meet You!

Stanger Things: The Experience

May 2023 - September 2023

I’m spending some quality time at Hawkins Lab this summer as Stranger Things: the experience tour comes to Seattle. I play Dr. Alex Mathers and P.R. rep Blake Collins as we take people though an exciting immersive theater experience.

Goodnight Moon at Seattle Children’s Theater

September 2023- December 2023

I’m so excited to be working for a theater that was so formative for me as a child. I will be playing the Old Lady, the Dish that ran away with the Spoon and a tap dancing bear. I also will serve as the dance captain for the show, responsible for maintaining the dance and training understudies.
